Monday, December 17, 2012

{Sweet Pea and Pumpkin}: This is the Day

{Sweet Pea and Pumpkin}: This is the Day
I love Scripture made into art and this is no exception! I want to meditate on His word every day.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Last I posted I was newly pregnant. Since then baby Eleazar Michael has joined the family and tured 6mos this past Sunday. Busy but happy. Palmer loves little brother and Can get a big smile out of him. He's a big help to me as well.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

9 weeks along

Today I am nine weeks pregnant. Each Tuesday brings excitement, a joy of a growing child (and a growing belly!) Tomorrow Steve and I go to hear the baby's heartbeat...that will be sooo cool! We're not finding out the sex and not spillin' the bean on names either, so y'all will just have to wait! Already someone gave us a highchair and Mama had an extra car seat, and Phil & Martha gave us their extra crib (Martha's due any moment! I'm going to be Auntie Bekah!).

I recently found out I had low progesterone, so am taking Prog. suppliments for that to get me up to normal levels. It's important in your first trimester and eventually I'll wean off of it. I'm feeling very fatigued lately even though I'm at the tail end of a cold. Allergies might play a factor, too. But anyway, I am happy to have many of the normal pregnancy symptoms minus the nausia (praise the Lord!).

I pray I can be a good mother to this new child, and be a better mom to Palmer... I fall so short!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New Adventures

Monday, January 31st we found out we're expecting! Eight months after the miscarriage we are rejoicing in the goodness of our Lord. I feel fine and am about 3 weeks along. The fears of miscarriaging again are there, but I pray my faith continues to be fixed on my loving Savior, Jesus Christ. Another concern is for Palmer to feel loved even with the addition of a sibling. I really want to be on top of it with planning his school schedule and having fun things for him to do.

"May the Lord give you increase, you and your children! May you be blessed by the Lord, who made heaven and earth" Psalm 115:14,15

Thursday, November 18, 2010

One Year Anniversary

Can't hardly believe Steve and I have been married a year come this Sunday! Time moves so fast and so much has happened since the "I do's". I still have wedding pictures I want to print (takes awhile to go through hundreds of photos from different folks) and one of these days I want to do my Creative Memories Wedding Album that Julia gave me. Right now I try to make sure I have a small slide-in album each year for Palmer. 

Home schooling is coming along. It can be hard to gage sometimes when to keep reviewing a subject and when to move on. I always am encouraged after meeting with other HS-ing moms and hearing their experiences and what tools and resources they used. Palmer's smart but I also want school to be an enjoyable experience, not wraught with angry words and frustration. Math seems to be what gets us. But we're going to try a curriculum called "singapore math" and see how he does. I was never good at math and am concerned about making it fun and understandable; it's hard for me to push him because I know how frustrating it was for me growing up.

The discipline of the boy has been better thanks to the book "Don't make me count to 3!" by Ginger Plowman. We started this Fall going through it in my moms group from church. We have good conversations and it's nice to have a place to ask parenting questions. But mostly the I've enjoyed the practical ways of approaching "training up your child in the way he should go", and I love the simple verses she's compiled for different areas of instruction. I feel I've been more calm, and hopefully more consistant, in my discipline which helps Palmer, too. 

Angel Tree season is upon us and I realize how much goes into just giving a gift to a child from the parent inside. So much behind the scenes admin., calling, going by the home just to get good info. Plus this year we're having a Christmas Delivery Party at the Church instead of church members delivering the gifts. It's a little stressful to think how everything has to fit just right for a good experience and building relationships with these families. But no matter what does or doesn't happen, God is in control and will work it all out for His Glory!

We still pray for another child in His time.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ten mounths in brief

It's been almost a year since I last posted, and even now I must be brief. Don't have much time to journal online, hardly have time to hand write it, but I do so want to have something for posterity.

Steve and I have a lovely Wedding in Nov. surrounded by family and friends..Joyous! I was wisked away to my surprise Honeymoom destination of *drum roll, please*...Townsen, Tenn. to a rustic cabin in the Smokey romantic! Good job, Hun!

Since our return we've learned many things about communicating, what is helpful and not so helpful (I have need of much growth in this area), learning a little more of what it means to be one, and for me to be a help meet to my husband as God designed me to be.

Also upon our return we have been watching our 5 yr old nephew, Palmer, during the day, and now (PRAISE THE LORD!) we are raising him full time! This has been a prayer of ours for a long time and are thankful for this ministry, tho difficult, so joyful to be able to raise him to love the Lord and give him a good future, to the glory of God! I have much to learn about parenting, home schooling and being organized, but God has been so good and is taking care of our every need.

The end of March we found out I was pregnant and there was much rejoicing! May 17, the Lord saw fit to take our child home. The miscarriage has taught me (and I'm sure Steve, too) a lot about what it means to celebrate life at any stage, to declare God's soveriegn care and goodness in the face of grief and to feel God's loving arms around our family in the Body of Christ. I still have moments of sadness, but will myself, by the help of the Helper, to look to Christ, "For you light my lamp; the LORD my God lightens my darkness." Ps. 18:28 We pray God grants us a child from my womb in His perfect time.

Not it is summer and I'm winding up my nanny job with the Smitherman family whom I've been with now for two years. It has been a great fit and I know come Aug. it will be some adjustments for them and myself. But I am excited about homeschooling Palmer and being a mom more and more to him. I feel I don't really know what I'm doing with homeschooling, but know I have a good resource in my mom and Steve is excited about it, too and willing to help. So with much prayer and trusting the Lord to guide me to the right curiculum, schedule, etc. I can smile at the days to come.

Right now P and I enjoy reading books, our daily Bible reading, field trips, and now swimming!

The Lord is good and does good!

In Christ,

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Well, the summer has flown by! So much has happened since last entry.

Steven and I are very much in love and grow moreso as the weeks pass and the Big Day gets closer. We're so excited! We're still sinners, tho, and have our hard talks and don't always see perfectly eye-to-eye. But by God's grace we work it out, laugh afterward, pray together and look forward to being Husband & Wife! Please be praying for our communication to continue to improve, that our words would be seasoned with salt, and that we would, "seek not only our own interests but also the interests of others"...remembering Christ's example.

We've been working a lot on the house putting up tile in the bathroom, painting the inside of the house and brainstorming on what each room will look like. We've also cleaned out a lot of junk from the garage that the previous owner of 50+ yrs left. The house needs a lot of improvements having been neglected for so long and I'm glad Steven is so handy! There's not much he isn't willing to at least try himself, one thing, though, is plumbing...and I don't blame him!

Another of God's humbling gifts to us has been our church offering to paint the outside of our house, replacing some rotting boards and even putting up a wall enclosing our back portch so we can have a little more room in the kitchen once the refrigerator is moved onto the portch!! This was a HUGE boost in our morale with the house (mostly with Steven who is feeling the weight of responsibility as the provider of the home and accomplishing some goals he set to complete by the wedding).

I am loving the house God has given us. It's 2 bdrms, 1bath, a dining room, living rm and kitchen. I nice managable size for one starting off in married life. It also has a good size back yard (prob in the spring we'll tackle some of the landscaping) and a healthy front yard with a big shade tree. Steven loves the St. Augustine grass and is trying to get it so thick and green in the front where you can go bearfoot.

I think I'd go crazy with all the "to dos" and infinate details with all thier deadlines if it weren't for BF Leah. She's an old pro having been just married last Nov. She calls me up asking if she can meet with me to help with wedding planning, and I just say, "Yes! thank you so much for calling. How about this tue?" I'm not naturally organized in that way so I get this burst of energy to knock out a bunch of stuff after meeting with Leah or my mom on wedding stuff.

One of the many things I love about Steven is his desire to serve, to be mercy minded, meeting the needs of the Body of Chirst which pleases God. This can take on many different forms, some of which are Reformed Prison Ministry at our church, helping believing ex-convicts like himself get back on thier feet and get plugged into a church where they'll grow and mature in thier faith. Also, Hearts and Hammers, another ministry of Fort Wort PCA, which helps widows, single moms, and others (they're helping paint our house) in practical ways like house upkeep, yard work, and much more. Another ministry the Lord has placed before us, which Steven is very passionate about, is ministering to his family. Three of his nephews and a niece are in temp. costody with his older brother, Jason, and sister-in-law, Amy while CPS looks into whether thier mother who's not married is able to get them back. This is a large undertaking for Jason and Amy who already have two teenager sons, and are now taking care of four more children ages 4-9. So Steven and I come by and get the kids some weekends, take them to Burgers Lake or a road trip to my aunt & uncles in The Woodlands, or to church with us. I also helped in VBS this summer where all four kids were able to attend. Because of thier lack of proper care and nurture growing up there's different issues with them, even now where thier basic needs are being met and there's routine in thier lives. Steven and I continue to pray for them and seek to immerse them in an atmostphere of the love of Christ.

So much going on, not much time to update. I probably will be married the next time I post and then have another lengthy letter!

Abiding in Christ,
Rebekah Ruth Sneed (Smith)